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Privacy Policy - Go Getter
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Privacy policy

Go Getter Privacy Policy

Go Getter privacy policy contains information on how we collect, use, disclose and store your information.

1. Introduction

Supporting Care Pty Ltd T/A Go Getter (“we” or ‘’us”) value your privacy. Go Getter take reasonable steps to protect your personal information.

Go Getter collect and store information in accordance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and The Privacy Act 1988 and other applicable laws protecting privacy including state and territory health information legislation.

By accessing our website, engaging in our services or providing personal information to us, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of the information on the terms of Go Getters privacy policy or any other contractual or other arrangements (if any) that may apply between parties.

2. Scope of policy

This privacy policy describes how your privacy is respected and protected in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. It applies to all information we collect about you through the use of services provided by Go Getter. This includes personal information collected.

– in person

– in forms completed by you or by a third party on your behalf,

– via telephone

– email

– through our website

– external service providers including government agencies and healthcare professionals.

– electronic communication channels (e.g., desktop, laptop, mobile devices) to access our services.

3. What is personal information?

Personal information definition – is any information that can be used to identify you.

This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, NDIS information, healthcare information etc. if the information collected about you or a third party is reasonably identifiable the information will be considered personal information.

4. Why do we collect your personal information?

We collect personal information that is necessary to undertake services and activities. Due to the nature of services, this may include sensitive and/or health information.

Information is also collected so that Go Getter can improve business activities, provide you with services requested or respond to any enquiry or complaint that you may have.

5. Who is this information collected from?

Go Getter will collect information from you, your family members, carers and staff. This information may also be collected from health care professionals and government agencies.

6. When do we collect personal information?

 Examples of personal information we might collect, and when we may collect it, include (but are not limited to) the following:

Gathering information for service provision – Go Getter will gather information such as your name, date of birth, NDIS number, NDIS plan, contact details of mutual service providers, disability information etc. to undertake required services and complete relevant documentation. This information is stored in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act and any relevant healthcare legislations.

Distributing publications and direct marketing – Go Getter may collect and store personal information to our marketing list which may include only (your name and email address) in order to distribute newsletters and other communications in electronic form from time to time. You may opt out of receiving direct marketing by contacting admin@iamgogetter.com.au.

Assisting with enquiries – Clients, prospective clients, service providers or carers/family members may choose to provide us with their name and contact details when they call us by phone or in writing via email for us to respond to requests for information about our services and business operations. If individuals choose to remain anonymous, we may not be able to provide a full range of services.

Conducting general business activities – we collect personal information about individuals for business operations, this information will be used to conduct activities such as quality assurance, risk management, billing, service provision and administration purposes.

7. How do we use your personal information?

We use and disclose personal information we collect:

– to provide and improve our services both internally and externally with clients.

– for provision of services, service agreements and to secure adequate funding for services provided.

– assess the adequacy of our client and stakeholders’ level of satisfaction with our services.

– To verify the identity of whom we interact with.

– To undertake general business activities including interacting with government agencies and third parties with consent to share information.

– To administer and manage our services including billing purposes.

– To conduct appropriate checks.

– To update records and keep contact details.

– Maintain and develop business systems and infrastructure, including testing and upgrading of these systems.

– For purposes with your signed or verbal consent or as permitted by law

8. When will we disclose your personal information?

 We will not share any personal information with third parties without consent except in accordance with this policy and:

– If we are required by law or we believe in good faith that such action is necessary in order to comply with law, cooperate with law enforcement or other government agencies, or comply with legal process served on the company (including insurers) or court orders.

– If the disclosure of information will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health.

– to any government or semi-governmental organization who requests it (including but not limited to as part of any application for a grant or other benefit under the NDIS)

– If you are not able to provide us with consent, we may use and disclose your personal information with the consent of a responsible person (as defined under the Privacy Act 1988)

– As otherwise permitted by law.

– If we retain any sensitive information, that information will not be used, shared or disclosed without express or implied consent that is current, voluntarily given and obtained in accordance with the privacy principles. If the individual is unable to give consent, then we may use and disclose personal and sensitive information with the consent of a responsible person (as defined under the Privacy Act).

9. Security of your personal information

We regard the security of personal information as a priority and implement a number of reasonable physical and electronic measures to protect it. Go Getter staff who may have access to personal information may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and if contact service providers are used, they will be bound by our Privacy Policy and Data Sharing Agreement.

10. Data quality

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information we collect is accurate, up to date, concise and complete. This includes maintaining and updating information when we are advised it has changed and at other times as necessary.

11. What if there is a data breach?

We take all reasonable steps to prevent data breaches. However, if we suspect that a data breach has occurred, we will undertake reasonable steps to assess and determine if the data breach is likely to result in serious harm to any individual involved, if so, we will.

– Take all reasonable steps to contain the breach.

– Where possible, taking action to remediate any risk of harm.

– Notify individuals and the commissioner where an individual is likely to receive serious harm (or if otherwise required by law) and.

– Review the incident and consider what actions can be taken to prevent future breaches

12. Accessing and correcting your information

You are entitled to view the information we hold about you and reasonable requests for access and correction will be responded to as quickly as possible. Reasonable requests for access to a large amount of information or information from various sources within the organization may take some time before we can respond. If you wish to view the information, we hold about you, please contact admin@iamgogetter.com.au. If the organization for any reason refuses to provide information or to correct information, we will give a reason for this decision. Generally, if requested, we will amend any personal information which you demonstrate is inaccurate, incomplete or not current, and we remove any information that is not relevant. If we disagree with your view on these matters, we will keep a note on the file setting out your view of the information held.

13. On-Line transactions

Our website may be enabled for online transactions using a certified secure payment gateway. However, despite the security on the site, you should be aware that there are inherent risks in transferring information across the internet and we cannot accept liability for any breaches. When an internet payment is made your credit card number is only used to make a debit and is not retained by the organisation. 

14. Security measures for online payments

Payments made online on our website are processed in real-time using a secure payment gateway. Payments are processed in Australia (AUD) our website has security measures designed to protect against the loss, misuse and/or alteration to your personal information under our control.

15. Links to other websites

Our website may at times contain links to third party websites. We do not endorse any of the websites or links. Go Getters privacy policy does not apply to external links or other websites who may also collect your personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any website you link to from our website.

16. Effective date and updates

This is Go Getters current privacy policy. We may at times vary this privacy policy by publishing an updated version on our website. You accept that by using the website or continuing to access services, provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.

17. Changes to this policy

We reserve the right, as it may be necessary, to review, revise or make changes to our privacy policy and will notify you of those changes by posting those changes on our website.

18. Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint about a possible breech of privacy, please provide full details of your complaint in writing, and send it to admin@iamgogetter.com.au.

If your complaint relates to our failure to provide access to or to correct any personal information that we hold about you, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner www.oaic.gov.au.

If your complaint does not relate to these matters, you must first lodge a complaint with us in writing and provide us with details of the incident so that we can investigate the matter. We will treat your complaint confidentially, investigate your complaint and aim to ensure that we contact you and your complaint is resolved within a reasonable time.

19. More information

If you would like more information about our privacy policy or the way we manage your personal information, you can contact the following.

Email: admin@iamgogetter.com.au

Mail: 22 Greenhill Road, Wayville SA 5034

Phone: 1300 010 008

Additionally, further information on the Australian Privacy Principles can be obtained from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website www.oaic.gov.au.

Website Analytics

To improve your experience on our site, we may use ‘cookies’. Cookies are an industry standard and most major web sites use them. A cookie is a small text file that our site may place on your computer as a tool to remember your preferences. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

Our website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. When you go to other websites from here, we advise you to be aware and read their privacy policy.

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy- external site and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics if you disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google- external site.

iamgogetter.com.au also uses interfaces with social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. If you choose to “like” or “share” information from this website through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. If you are a member of a social media site, the interfaces may allow the social media site to connect your visits to this site with other Personal Information’

A good article on the subject can be found here https://privacypolicies.com/blog/privacy-policy-google-analytics/.

I”m not sure if we should become GDPR compliant for all clients as well which will require an additional plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/gdpr/.